Sunday, April 6, 2014

Section Cuts and Plans

                                                        This is the First floor / Ground floor.
This is the Second Floor 
This is the Third Floor
Section Cut North
Section Cut South 
                                                                  Model on Site


  1. Hi, Pedro!

    I see that you are in the process of taking your design at the next level. I like how you are referring back to your concept model while working on your actual design, even though your photographs don't really show the site. If you try to show your plans at an angle (axonometric views ?) then these as well as the building's volumes will be a lot easier to read. Also, inserting a few human figures or a couple of car models (exhibit items) will add a sense of scale to your design.

    You still have a lot to do and you need to plan your time carefully. When is the final presentation going to be?

  2. This is a great way to approach! I am glad that you have brought back the model. I think there is a big disconnect from the model to the 3d model - but by these small steps you will be able to get there. I think the scale is off for both, but I cannot wait to get to studio and work on this with you. Presentation will be the 3rd week of May... its coming up Phanos.

  3. Hi Pedro,

    Starting to look good and keeping in touch with your strong narrative. Two little things that might help you develop this further though, and also help link back into your great site context.

    Firstly, your building can be so much better than the first image, namely in that your indication of an 'entrance' suggests I can only enter through that way. Your site and building both allow you to create a number of entrances from various directions, whether it be from the surrounding roads, or waterfront, and I think your building would improve if you could drag people in from different directions into your great central circulation area.

    Secondly, you've got quite a few 'sweeping' elements running through your building, whether it be the circulation 'sweep' or the exhibition 'sweep'. It would be very interesting to see how you can refine the sweeps at ground level and at the upper levels. You can still wrap the building in the skin as you want, but it would be great to read the sweeps from the outside, whether through them terminating at the top in great views out (i.e to the statue of liberty, not quite an engine, but great engineering in itself), or whether you can extend the sweeps out into the landscape and routes around your building. They don't necessarily have to poke out, but it could easily be done by undulations in the ground or simple material changes outside, giving you decent guidelines to work with your externals. The real danger with wrapping your building as you are is that it looks like it could be planted anywhere, whereas if you continue the sweeps outwards, it links your building to your site.

    That's just my thoughts anyway, but feel free to ignore if you want!
